
American Odyssey
conflates onlookers at a Memorial Day parade with a cavalcade of the American freaks Mark photographed ...

Edge of the Wind
an excellent example of the page turner thriller that does double duty as a sharp depiction of character ... |
All the Dark We Will Not See
Neff dedicates the book to "those who resist," the people who put their lives and careers on the line to "do the right thing." ...
Blood and Gypsies
The very title of the poem speaks of endurance of family through time by the sheer force of story ...
Superman on the Roof
... the reader gets a strong sense of the child’s consciousness, his helplessness against circumstances way beyond his control or comprehension ...
Camille Abroad
Camille is something of a predator, a big cat toying with her prey ...
... Mom and Dad do have distinct lives and personal issues, to which we can relate, but to the unborn embryo narrator ...
Exit Songs
Cathy Porter writes gritty verse about betrayal and motel room lust, violence, death, discarded paper plates ...  |
A Prague Spring, Before and After
... His family, the city of Prague, the entire world are continually haunted by events that to an outsider might appear as dusty data ...
It's either the book a child learns to read from or an underlying coat of paint; in either case, something fundamental, foundational ...  |
Teen Fiction
by Nitin Jagdish
Fair or not, it is a well–established rule that where one matriculates sets the course for that person's life ... 
The Audition
by Jennifer Juneau
I trembled in front of the firing squad in the most serious culinary competition on the planet... 
Not Just Another Night
by John Richmond
It began as just another night, but it didn’t end up that way ... 
You Give Me Faron Young
by Mike Lee
The soldiers marched the entire family into the woods, but the baby was all they brought back ... 
How to Be an Aunt
by Alison Morse
Fall in love with a man who does not want to have children, by candlelight, on your first date in a Minneapolis bar with exposed brick and microbrewery beer... 
Stupid Bird!
by Eneida Patricia
I’ve missed you. I wish you would have stuck around. Guess that’s life? You wouldn’t believe how bad I look ... 
by Paula Willis
The cleaning lady's niece holds up a largish, bright purple, semi–translucent object which she has just discovered in a pot of geraniums ... 
I escape detection once more
by Roger Netzer
It was cold out. White plumes leapt from the exhaust pipe of the orange vehicle in front of ours... 
Shooter, five flashes
by Emily Greenberg
Everyone in the Bible study was nice, so much so that he almost reconsidered his plans. Almost ... 
My Brother and Me
by Ken Williams
Veronica would never be able to stop in to try on or buy the beautiful pair of bright red high heels with the super–pointy toes... 