Certainly one of the most pervasive impacts of the Internet is that it has enabled people to get more directly at the truth. And yet to its detractors, it has simply given people the ability to parade their delusions effectively, and to global audience. Regardless of what side of this argument you fall on, what is apparent is that the Internet has forever changed how we consume information. And while the Masters of Traditional Media steadfastly believe that they have a basic level of control over the popular mindscape, and can mold it accordingly, that is changing quickly. So quickly, in fact, that this decade may indeed find the rug pulled out from under broadcast and cable media’s proverbial Neilsen ratings, all spearheaded by Google TV.
Case in point is the Zeitgeist Film. Distributed virally and free over the Internet, the Zeitgeist movie has reached (some estimate) over 50 million viewers. And talk to anyone about YouTube. Put a relatively interesting video on YouTube and you can get 100K independent views. People watch this stuff.
But probably the most important, and salient, impact of the web on viral public opinion shaping may be the UFO phenomena. An entirely new intellectual discipline, called Exopolitics (the political implications of Extraterrestrial presence), has evolved and begun to turn the litany of UFO 'sightings' and whistleblower testimony into a rational – albeit radical – world view.
But probably the most important, and salient, impact of the web on viral public opinion shaping may be the UFO phenomena. An entirely new intellectual discipline, called
Exopolitics (the political implications of Extraterrestrial presence), has evolved and begun to turn the litany of UFO ‘sightings’ and whistleblower testimony into a rational – albeit radical – world view. When I say ‘rational’ I mean that there is a framework that is quickly developing that pieces together many conspiratorial threads in such a way to create a narrative that may, over time, replace what one might call the Walter Conkrite world view that existed from the end of WW II through 2001 (i.e., 9-11). What started as conspiratorial rants on the Internet has now reached even mainstream cable.
Specifically, in May, 2010, the History Channel broadcast ideas about ‘Ancient Aliens’ that a few years back would even shock the most loopy and glassy-eyed teenager, conjecturing with a straight face some fairly outlandish arguments. And yet when these arguments (some which are quite compelling) are pieced together, they begin to create an overarching framework that forces any open and rational mind into a deep consideration. Is everything discussed by the History Channel true? Probably not. Is the subject worth looking at? I’d say yes. And much of the History Channel’s line of thinking mirrors an Exopolitical checklist for UFO disclosure.
If you take the Exopolitical viewpoint seriously, US policy has been directly or indirectly shaped by the ET phenomena for the past 50 years, mostly due to the government’s cover-up regarding what it knows and the technology developed as a result. The technologies, and the resulting impact on our Newtonian world view, could be nothing short of profound in terms of its impact on the fields of aviation, energy and health. The problem is that ET involvement in world affairs may just prove to be an extension of mankind's need for a savior, when indeed we should be saving ourselves. But at some point, the question of ‘we’ becomes diffuse – i.e., what composes the human family? I’ll leave it to you to research and uncover what I mean by that.
All of that said, for me there are four incidents that gnaw at my sensibilities, and, if taken at face value and pondered seriously by our government, should warrant immediate Congressional investigations. Some may in fact involve the government – or factions within the government – in an attempt to slowly open up the public consciousness. These events, combined with the still unanswered questions regarding 9-11 (the so-called ‘Truth Movement’) and deep questioning of the veracity of our economic system, form the three most powerful virally-driven social ideas driving much of what is coming to be an alternative universe to the Cronkite View.
My sense is that after a certain critical mass is reached – perhaps prodded by some form of government disclosure regarding UFOs or a crisis (or both) – that the Cronkite View with ‘flip’ and we will find ourselves in a different paradigm. By that time, Google TV will rule the world, and people will be pulling information from a completely alternative universe than is currently pushed (some might say foisted) upon us by Old Media. Enter the New Media Age. Whether that is an age of Darkness or Enlightenment will be up to us.
But what are these four events? First, the 1952 UFO ‘flyby’ over Washington DC. Second, the “Phoenix Lights” incident of 1997. Third, the Stephenville, TX UFO sighting of 2008. And finally, the O’Hare Airport UFO incident of 2006. All of these events can easily be googled and researched. Forget about any extraneous and often delusional meanderings and mis-information, I urge people to focus on these events alone, which if taken at face value must make us all pause and wonder if we are indeed are not alone. For me, after taking a hard look into these events I see good reason to give Exopolitics serious consideration.
The technologies, and the resulting impact on our Newtonian world view, could be nothing short of profound in terms of its impact on the fields of aviation, energy and health. The problem is that ET involvement in world affairs may just prove to be an extension of mankind's need for a savior, when indeed we should be saving ourselves.
Now the ‘game changer event’ (known within the world of Exopolitics as the
Full Disclosure of what the US government knows about the UFO phenomena) may or may not occur within our lifetimes. What is most certainly going to happen, even if our galactic friends do not land on the White House lawn in the near future, is that we will discover Earth Worlds through our more powerful observation satellites, and that this will happen perhaps even this year, all via the new Kepler probe launched in early 2010.
So who are the key players in this Exopolitical landscape?
One of the most prolific writers in the Exopolitical World is Michael Salla. Professor Salla formerly taught at American University but was booted out when he tried to take Exopolitics to the next level there, and legitimize the discussion. Suffice it to say his colleagues did not like what he was trying to do and he was forced into early retirement in 2004.
Now (again as of May, 2010) that no less than the renowned physicist Stephen Hawking has begun to chime in on Extraterrestrial issues and the implications thereof, American University should consider hiring Salla back, and making him Dean of a newly minted academic discipline. According to Hawking, we can surmise that Exopolitics is a perfectly rational debate.
Salla, who along with others such as Dr. Steven Greer and Stephen Basset, now speaks and writes passionately and independently on the subject. In 2008, Salla detailed a supposedly secret meeting that occurred at the UN early that year and involved a multi-nation discussion about the UFO phenomena, and a new stance that governments were going to take, with an eye toward slowly disclosing the facts over time. I was surprised and amazed to see events unfold just as pre-saged by this secret event that was revealed to Salla by an informant he called ‘Source A’. Like clockwork, countries began to release substantial information regarding their (mostly) military and ‘credible’ encounters with unidentified craft. While some have recently questioned the veracity (and even legality) of Salla's so-called 'Source A', what is clear is that several countries did in fact disclose their UFO documents in quick succession after the supposed UN meeting – and this is all well-documented. If ‘Source A’ is a hoax, then France, Sweden, and the UK weren’t listening. Even the Vatican chimed in and said the ET’s were compatible with Christianity.
In late 2009, Salla wrote an article where he predicted that ‘Disclosure was imminent’ and that in late 2009, or early 2010, the Big Cheese – i.e., the USA – would begin its own disclosure process that would echo those of the several European countries already mentioned. While this has yet to come true, there is certainly a sea change in how the Obama administration is handling confidential information; Obama has in fact created a National Declassification Center that has been ordered to begin de-classifying Cold War era records that are judged no longer to be a national threat.
While some have recently questioned the veracity (and even legality) of Salla's so-called 'Source A', what is clear is that several countries did in fact disclose their UFO documents in quick succession after the supposed UN meeting – and this is all well-documented.
It could be that this process will reveal the truth about UFO-related events that happened decades ago so they can be discussed in a new light and with new information. This, combined with discovery of Earth-like Worlds by Kepler (most certainly to happen), could be the final preparatory step prior to full disclosure.
One caveat to this neat argument is that there are (apparently) forces that do not want any of this to come about, and more and more people are beginning to believe such forces exist. One example of this blowback may be the recent ‘outing’ of Salla’s ‘Source A’ mentioned previously.
Call these forces what you will – the Shadow Government or Oligarchs or MJ 12 – but certainly it becomes apparent to many people that our world is in some sense in a herculean struggle between a fantasy created for consumption on many levels – physical, mental, even spiritual – and a new paradigm struggling to evolve. And the people that create this fantasy are not even remotely interested in us (or themselves) evolving. As your best friend would write on your High School Yearbook, so the oligarchs insist, ‘Don’t Change’. As such, they'd much rather have you obsessing over 'Dancing with the Stars' than reading this article. Or worse, they might be fostering a climate for ever more perpetual war.
At the end of the day, we as a human race must evolve. We cannot sustain our current destructive mindset, witnessed on a variety of levels in a variety of ways – and harmful to both the planet and ourselves. Some very clever people devised a system that is the equivalent of a one way bungee jump where there is a flaw in the rope – some might say someone even cut it. Given that the US government spends ten-times the amount of money on its military than its nearest competitor (China), and yet has 1/3 of the people, something seems out of balance.
I urge everyone to pause, to think about and to research the Exopolitical and Disclosure movement, and act as you think you need to ensure our collective truthfulness – and then communicate what you think to your friends and family. We may need to look at one another more and more for answers, and help, as we ascend what could be the slippery, but hopeful, slope of world change that could very well have an exopolitical component.
As Gandhi said, 'be the change you seek'. We may not have time to wait for Obama.